N.K.P - 40 years of Metal - For AXE FX3/FM9

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N.K.P - 40 years of Metal - For AXE FX3/FM9

This pack cover 40 years of Metal!
70's, 80's, 90's, 00's tones by music genre!

Presets :

00's DJENT : done for 7 and 8 strings guitars and low tuning
00's PROG METAL : Dream theater type of distortion with the JP2C
00's DOOM : Heavy FUZZ to play your favorite doom stuff!
90's NU METAL : Korn type of sound, clean, dist etc ...
90's BLACK METAL: For bands like Immortal, Emperor, Cradle, Dimmu Borgir
90's DEATH METAL : For Early Cannibal corpse, Deicide Stuff
90's INDUSTRIAL : For NIN, Ministry.. stuff
80's HEAVY METAL : Glam, hard rock, the 80's TONE!
80's NEOCLASSICAL : for Malmsteen and old speed Metal stuff
70'S EARLY HARD : Black Sabbath type of tones

DEMOS : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOGsHJAuZ1-vmjY7fACptNA4ClH2ADmm0

NOTE 1 :


NOTE 2 :

I send the packs MANUALLY , sometimes it take 1 minute, sometimes some hours, but dont worry, I ALWAYS send them via a we transfert email link

NOTE 3 :

All the Presets are made with an axe fx 3 MK1.
They are fully compatible with the Axe fx 3 MK1, MK2 and TURBO

They are compatible with the FM9 too


1/Be sure to be on the latest firmware of your product

2/If the presets doesnt work on your FM series, message me and I will sent to you an older version that will work/